Woohoo! Term 4 is here and the weather is warmer which should allow us to do more learning outside. I am excited to see the small steps forward that my little charges are achieving.

For Science this term, Grade 1’s are learning about Light and Sound. They have been engaged in experiments to explore sound, one of which was, looking at the range of sound that is created when glasses of different levels of water are tapped.

During P.E. we have been exploring movement. Many of our class members participated in the annual school sports day last Friday and thoroughly enjoyed their day.

In Maths we are currently learning how to make different money amounts and we have been writing word problems, number sentences and drawing pictures.

Narratives are the genre we are exploring during our writing lessons. During reading, we are learning how to use our texts to compare and contrast information we read.

Reading folders need to come to school every day as they will be needed whether they are reading with buddies or completing activities in their reading groups.

Home Reading

Reading at home is one of the most important things we can do to assist the children in our lives with their learning. I spoke to a number of parents at Parent Teacher Interviews about taking the time to read one book as focus each night and then discuss what happened in the story with your child.

Please take a look at this website to gain some ideas of how to set up a reading time with your child.

Magic 200 words

Don’t forget practising the Magic 200 words is also very important as these words are used in reading and writing at this level. Have your children read them to you on a daily basis and encourage them to write them into sentences.

Reading Eggs

There are so many different activities your child can be using to practise their skills and encourage them to explore all the icons in Reading Eggs and Express.


Practise! Practise! There are so many topics the Grade Ones can revise this term so that they are ready for their general Maths test in week 6.

Miss Meagan Height
Year 1 Teacher